Your current ads are down
due to Chrome blocking??

Get additional revenue stream with push notifications.
We have built the perfect platform for you.


YamAds platform

YamAds is a platform for creating a database of potential customers who want to be informed on products, promotional campaigns and updates on your website. Our tool will enable you to send them push notifications - clickable popups sent in real time that are displayed on the computer, telephone or tablet screens of your website's users when they have left it or they have even closed the browser.

Easy To Use - Light weight, well documented and easy to use SDK. Full integration in just a few minutes.

Monetization via YamAds - Earn money from your push notifications real estate, without changing anything!

Immediate Results - Unique push experience that increases retention of users and produces dramatic CTR results.

We've made money from our users that we never thought was possible. YamAds has enabled us to bring in additional revenue in a new way that we've never seen before... certainly these guys are involved in the latest cutting edge technology right now.
Marc D.Zetaniche
This is seriously untapped new traffic source that will be 2018's biggest hit with media buyers! Not only am I am to bring in the volume I need but I can target the exact audience I know converts.
Robert S.Offersdirect


We help both publishers and advertisers take advantage of our web push technology.

Sign up now!


Earning more from your website and staying profitable is every publishers goal. By utilizing our technology we provide publishers an additional way to bring in income from your website.
Our push technology does not replace any of your current ad units. It's almost like you are earning daily income in the background with out anyone even knowing.
Integrating our push ad technology into your website is not that difficult. Our dedicated team will walk you through all the steps of integration and even personally help you if you are having difficulties.
Life time value of your users is calculated over time so that you can determine how much revenue a single user brings in. This is valuable data!


Be one of the first to utilize this new technology.
Our push notification targeting is phenomenal. Target by country, city, state, connection type, carrier, ISP, device, OS, OS version, browser, browser version, and category.
We only allow one notification to be sent to a single user per day. Advertisers bid on a CPM basis to have their push notification sent out. Winning bids are selected at midnight EST and are sent out the next day at the advertisers set time.
Pay for only the amount of traffic you want.

Loved YamAds ? Then go ahead..

No matter if your site is a blog, online shop or an information website. Thanks to YamAds your clients, users or readers will never miss any important information.

Sign up now

Core Features of YamAds

Cross Browser

Notifications show up correctly in different browsers, such as Safari, Internet Explorer, and Firefox.

Cross Platform

Maintains functional parity with all of the major platforms: iOS, Android, Windows.

Live Targeting

Target and personalize individual user experiences in real-time.

Analytics & Reporting

You’ll always have complete real-time visibility of every aspect of your users’ behavior.


Take advantage of geolocation to broadcast push notifications based on users location data.

Personalize updates

Personalized notifications based on previous app or web behavior.


Hit us up, any time...

At YamAds we believe in good communication. You can contact us by email at or through our contact form.

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