Email vs Push Notifications: Which Is Better?

Email vs Push Notifications: Which Is Better?

Email and push notifications are two of the most popular methods employed by the marketers of today to communicate with their audience. The former has been around for pretty much as long as the internet has been. Meanwhile, web push notifications are starting to see an increase in popularity.

Both marketing channels are effective in their own ways and understanding where one channel is better is key to the success of your overall marketing strategy.

Making the Choice

Businesses need to market if they want to grow. This is a fact that all ventures have to deal with, whether they’re big or small. This is why it’s important to know the different channels of marketing, which brings us to our discussion today: which of push notifications and email is better for your business?

In an ideal world, business owners can afford to use both digital marketing channels to connect and engage with their customers. But, that isn’t exactly the case. Often, it is necessary to choose between these two, making it important to know what the strong and weak points of each one is, and what makes one better than the other.

Having said that, let us compare both powerful means of communication and figure out which of them is better and why.

Opt-In Rate

A high opt-in rate means your marketing method is successful because a lot of your users have subscribed to receiving your company’s push notifications or emails, increasing the exposure of your brand.

On average, push notifications boast a high opt-in rate, ranging somewhere around 60-70%. Web push notifications are even higher at almost 90%. In comparison, email’s opt-in rate is rather, sitting at a measly average of 5%.

It’s a no contest. When it comes to opt-in rates, push notifications win hands down.

Click-Through Rate

The CTR or click-through rate is also another useful means to measure just how successful your marketing campaign has been.

It is estimated that around 17-20% of subscribers of push notifications click links sent to them. That’s a lot, especially when only around 2-3% of email subscribers do the same.

Of course, it varies from industry to industry. However, in general, push notifications see higher CTR compared to email.

Response Time

Defined by how long it takes for subscribers to interact with an email or push notification from the moment they receive it.

Push notification boasts high reach probability with around 30-40% of subscribers clicking links almost as soon as they receive the notification. If done effectively, push notifications can be a very effective and efficient marketing tool.

Email isn’t as effective or efficient in this regard, with the average response time of email subscribers sitting it around 6.5 hours.

Out With The Old, In With The New

Email is old. It still has its uses, of course. However, if you were to choose just one digital marketing channel, then push notification is the way to go.

From better opt-in rates, to higher click-through rates, and improved response times, push notification is a very cost-effective way to reach out to your target audience.

Push notifications will help your business keep up with modern times and remain relevant, as well as competitive.

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