What Tactics We Use to Monetize Notifications – Part II

What Tactics We Use to Monetize Notifications – Part II

Depending on who you ask, push notification may be new or old. The truth? It’s rather old. It’s arguably been around for as long as the internet has been. Although it wasn’t until recently that it gained traction as a simple, yet robust marketing channel. But, regardless of who you end up asking, most people will probably not be able to give you a proper answer when it comes to how to effectively utilize push notifications as a marketing channel.

We’re here to help with that.

As experts on push notifications, we believe it’s our obligation to share the different tactics we use to monetize notifications.

You’ll find some of them below:

1. Triggered Notifications

The good thing about personal push notifications is that you can automatically set them so they are sent to individuals after they do a specific action while browsing your website.

Example: A common tactic used by e-commerce stores is sending users a notification for having abandoned their cart for too long, or if an item on their wish list is on sale.

2. Timing is Everything

When scheduling routine push notifications, try not to time them early in the morning or late into the night. Of course, this depends on the industry, but in general, most are active during the regular office hours, which is from 9 am to 5 pm.

If you cater to audiences from all over the globe, consider separating your users depending on their time zone. Not only does this make geo-based notifications easier, but also because it makes sure that your notifications are delivered exactly when you want it to.

3. Use an Action-Focused CTA

A CTA or call-to-action plays a key role in helping you achieve whatever goal it is that you have for your marketing campaign.

Changing the size, placement, or putting an emoji or striking image, along with the right words and phrases, can go a long way in generating interest and compelling your users to take action. Just make sure that your CTA is: clear, specific and lays out exactly the benefits of acting right away.

Coming up with the perfect CTA isn’t easy. It should help to test different CTA copies among various segments to find out which one performs best.

4. Quality over Quantity

Many marketers make the mistake of using push notifications to bombard users with new products and services all the time. That’s not the way to go. Don’t take the fact that a user has opted in as a sign that they want you to consistently bother them with unnecessary notifications.

So, use push notification sparingly, only if you have new content, products, or offering a huge discount on things that a particular user may be interested in.

5. Present Your Value

Of course, before you can turn push notifications into a valuable marketing channel and an integral part of your marketing campaign, you need to give them a rest to opt-in first.

So, ask yourself, why exactly should they opt-in? Try to convince yourself and work slowly on making sure that your opt-in prompt presents a clear value proposition that actually gives users a reason to think about opting in and becoming part of your website’s subscriber list.

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